You can check your Name is in Latest Existing Voters List

Everyone is in the belief that they had voted in the last Lok Sabha Elections. It does not matter if the name is in the voter list of the Lok Sabha elections. The name should be on the list being prepared by the State Election Commission. Only then can you vote in the local government elections. 

The State Election Commission has released the draft voter list. Of this, 10 lakh members are less than the Lok Sabha election list. So make sure the name is on the local list. Those not on the list can apply. Only 18-year-old can register. The final voter list will be published later. To check if the name is in the voter list, Click on the Voter's List Icon on the website homepage. The voter list can be viewed by entering the district, ward and polling station on the page that opens.

State Election Commission, Kerala came into existence on 3rd December 1993 as envisaged in Article 243(k) of the Constitution of India. The superintendence, direction and control of preparation of voters list and conduct of election to the Local Self Government Institution vest with the Commission.


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